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What the BB Girls are saying

about group mentoring....



"Mentoring means you get help with life problems and situations. It means you have someone to help you when you go through or to give you good advice and someone to look up to"

Why is mentoring important?

Have you heard about Be B.O.L.D.?

P. Davis


"Be B.O.L.D., Inc. gave me a confidence I never knew I had. This program challenged me to step my academics up and be the best version of me! Thank you!"
S. Boggerty
College Junior
"Girls of all ages, race, and religion need help turning their thinking around. It helps them focus on what they could do better in any situation. In our generation we are being degraded so much that we began to believe it is ok. We need to be pushed without negative consequences. We need to know we can make it. Mentoring is important because it gives you the chance to adapt to something and someone new. It allows you to share your story!"
Our girls voice matters!!
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